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Staff Vacancies

Fixed Term Maternity Leave Position Year 4-6

We welcome your inquiry regarding our Fixed term maternity leave position for a Year 4-6 Classroom Teacher position at Wakefield School and encourage you to apply by following the link here; Fixed Term Maternity Leave Position

Wakefield School is looking for a skilled teacher to join our awesome school.  Wakefield School is a country school with a very supportive staff and community.   We are looking for a person who

  • Is an expert classroom practitioner

  • Is flexible

  • Has strong student management and the skills to build positive relationships with diverse learners.

  • Has the skills and knowledge to set up and run very effective multi-level literacy and mathematics programmes.

  • A highly collaborative practitioner, willing to plan, and at times, teach collaboratively.

  • Is approachable and skilled in building positive relationships with tamariki, whānau and staff

  • Demonstrates values from te ao Māori including manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga

  • Has excellent communication skills

  • Is open and supportive to ideas and learning

  • Has a good sense of humour

  • Understands or is willing to learn how to co-construct learning

  • Has calm and kind manner

  • Has excellent student management skills

  • Understands or is interested in learning about trauma informed practice

To find out more about this position please find the information here and send completed application forms to [email protected] for an application package.  Applications close at 5:00 pm on Monday 1 July.

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